When you invest in marketing, you want to know that every dollar you spend is making a difference. With
more digital marketing options than ever before, does email still hold its value when it comes to generating
revenue? YES. Email marketing is worth the investment.
2. 306 billion emails go out each day and that number is expected to reach 361 billion by the end of 2024.
3. Email is used by over 4 billion people — that’s over half the world’s population!
4. According to 80% of professionals, email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention.
5. 60% of consumers say they’ve purchased as a result of a marketing email they received.
6. 21% of opened emails are opened within the very first hour of delivery — by the end of hour 3, it is up to 41%.
7. 30% of professionals said the biggest benefit of marketing automation was the time it saved them.
8. 61% of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly — 38% even want more emails.
9. Segmented emails make readers 50% more likely to click a link — leading to more sales.
10. Email open rates from mobile devices have grown by more than 100% since 2011.
As a Constant Contact Partner, we can manage your email marketing to get you real results, fast.